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Have you too fallen in love with haori jackets? We get you! But, you may be wondering how to properly wear this traditional Japanese garment, and you may feel a bit too intimidated to wear your haori…

DO NOT PANIC! To keep the pleasure of illuminating your wardrobe with this touch of Japanese elegance and feel confident, watch our video tutorials featuring Kumiko-Sensei! Kumiko-Sensei tells you all about how to wear your haori! You’ll see, IT'S VERY EASY! In 2 steps and only 3 movements, you will become a real pro and will impress your friends! It is totally within your reach to learn how to wear an authentic kimono jacket with great skill!

TUTORIAL 1: Kumiko-Sensei shows us how to put on our haori jacket

Nothing could be simpler! But in order not to break the line of your kimono jacket, there are two additional little things to know about : in particular how to slide your haori over the shoulders before putting on the sleeves, and how to turn its collar over so that the front panels fall properly over your body. YOU' LL SEE! IT'S EASY-PEASY!

Comment enfiler son haori, veste kimono, tutoriel vidéo, Tabitabiya boutique japonaise

And one last but very important little trick to know about to make your haori fall properly on your shoulders: pinch the end of the sleeves of your kimono jacket with your fingertips and pull with a sharp tug. And There you go ! In only one minute, you are ready to leave the house!

Comment enfiler son haori, veste kimono, tutoriel vidéo Tabitabiya boutique japonaise.png

TUTORIAL 2: Kumiko-Sensei shows us how to tie haori-himo

Here is a simple little way to nicely tie your himo.

Tutoriel vidéo comment nouer les cordelettes de votre haori, les haori himo tabitabiya boutique japonaise

We had also already shown you, on our FB page, another way to tie your haori-himo:

Tutoriel vidéo pour nouer les haori himo de sa veste kimono Tabitabiya boutique japonaise

And there you go ! You now know how to add variation to the way you wear your haori with these two ways of tying your himo!

TUTORIAL 3: Kumiko-Sensei shows us how to easily and temporarily fold our haori during our outings.

When you go out with your haori on your shoulders to the café or the restaurant with your friends and you want to take it off, slide it down from your shoulders and fold it so as to put it on the back of your chair, the arm of the sofa, on your knees, etc...

Tutoriel vidéo comment plier sa veste haori lors de ses sorties Tabitabiya boutique japonaise

TUTORIAL 4: let me show you now how to easily fold our haori, before storing it in our wardrobe or other, when we are not going to wear it for a while.

It is very important to fold our haori well when we do not want to wear it for a while so as not to break the folds that hold the shape of this beautiful garment. Again, everything is very easy! you will only need to give it one try to remember how to do it for once and for all!

Tutoriel video plier et ranger son haori Tabitabiya boutique japonaise

Now that you know all about haori, there is no reason for you anymore to feel intimidated to wear your haori jacket. So do not shy away from the pleasure of wearing the one and only authentic kimono jacket with all your outfits, from the most casual to the most elegant ones! And of course, a haori jacket will totally fit all the cozy moments you want to spend in the comfort of your home! To feel good about yourself right away, put on your haori in the morning! And last but not least, your haori jacket will add an authentic touch of Japan to your life! No one will get the same haori as you. This unique piece of garment in your wardrobe, will also bring you the happiness of being able to enjoy, in your life, in the simplest possible way, the creative genius and internationally renowned know-how of Japanese craftsmanship as well as the incredible beauty of Japanese aesthetics!


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